Change is hard at first, Messy in the middle and Gorgeous in the end.

Serena Cornwall
2 min readMay 5, 2024

You either want it or fight it.

Photo by Brad Starkey on Unsplash

Change is a natural part of life; it pushes us to grow and evolve.

However, dealing with change can be challenging.

At first, change is a challenge. It makes us leave our comfort zones, face our fears, and deal with uncertainty. We must let go of what’s familiar, which can leave us feeling vulnerable and exposed.

We often resist change, holding onto the past and avoiding the inevitable (I know I do).

It’s not until we look back that we realize that in the midst of the struggle, we start to grow. As we face the challenges of change, we discover our strength, resilience, and creativity. We learn to adapt and explore new possibilities.

However, in the middle of it all, things get messy. There’s confusion, uncertainty, and instability. It feels like we’re trying to navigate ourselves through a thick mist filled with obstacles that make us wonder if it all is worth it. It’s a challenging time, full of doubt and uncertainty.

It’s a time of discovery and growth, where we push ourselves to new limits and find clarity and purpose.

As we reach our destination and look back, we’re amazed by how far we’ve come. We’ve grown and evolved, becoming better versions of ourselves. And many times, it’s something to be proud of.

