Let’s just do it!

Serena Cornwall
3 min readOct 16, 2022

It is time for a change.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

After writing the post “Do you know who you are?” A lot has changed. I set out a personal goal to get to know myself better. And ended up in circumstances that would help me in ways I had not predicted.

When I realized that I could change things and not feel bad about it, my confidence grew and I started in many ways to move forward.

A very huge part of that change started with my kitchen.

My old kitchen is from early 70’s and has worked well, until the last couple of years. Piece by piece it has started to break down. Literally!

Most of the drawers are broken, or can not hold any weight anymore. It is always a gamble if the things will end up on the floor or not. Most things that should have a place in the kitchen, is spread out all over the place.

A bit tricky when I need to find something.

The stove, the dishwasher and the sink is neatly put into the corner. So just one person can use anything, at a time. Have you ever played the chair-dance as a kid? Well, imagine doing it in the kitchen, at every meal.

I have been begging for a new kitchen for years. And now it finally happen!

During the last year we visited way too many different kitchen sellers. Each seller had their personal…

