Novel: Second Chance

Serena Cornwall
5 min readMay 16, 2024

Written by Serena Cornwall

Chapter 1.

Blue empties his glass and puts it on the table before returning his attention to the group of males and females surrounding him. He loves spending time in a club with his friends.

As his friends bursts out laughing about something. Blue tries to understand the joke, but not too hard. The blond female two tables away keeps dragging his attention away from his friends.

She meets his gaze and smiles as she drags her fingers through her long blond hair. I wonder how she is in bed, Blue thinks without feeling shame. It had only taken him one look to decide that she was his type in every way. Now, all he needed was to add charm and lay down a few good words, and she would spend the night with him. He was sure about it.

“Have you found something interesting?” Cole whispers in his ear. Blue responds with a nod, and the female smiles back at him.

“Haven’t you slept with every female in this town yet?” A dry voice asks. Blue turns to look at the female in question and raises an eyebrow. She laughs and shakes her head. “In your dreams — player,” she answers his quiet question. He shrugs and turns his attention back to the blond female. “Besides, I am not your type.” She adds with a laugh.

