Number one rule in investment.
Invest in yourself first, then the rest.
Lately, I have been researching buying shares. I have read various books and articles on the topic to learn more about it.
However, amidst all the advice, one rule stands out: Prioritize investing in yourself before anything else.
This means setting aside some of your income for personal savings or investments, before dealing with bills and other expenses.
But after some thinking, I have realized that this rule goes beyond just finances; it is also about valuing your time and energy.
Recently, I’ve been spending more time and energy on everything else than taking care of myself, and it has affected me negatively in different aspects of my life.
I’ve noticed a lack of motivation for things I used to enjoy, and my energy levels have consistently been low.
I believe that if I had just dedicated an hour each day to activities I enjoy, my days would undoubtedly look different.
Prioritizing self-care would lead to better performance, increased happiness, and improved relationships.
Taking care of my mental well-being is crucial for a better quality of life. I’m grateful to realize this now while I can make the changes needed to improve my life.