Review: The Alchemist
Short review of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
This book is nothing like any book I have read before. It is a book that makes you think about your life and choices that you make. Listen to your heart and follow your dreams.
It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. -from The Alchemist-
About the book:
This book is about a journey. A boy becomes a shepherd, so he can see the world. After two years of traveling, things is about to change.
In a town, the traveler meets an old man, who talks about the boy finding His Legend.
“People learn early in their lives, what is their reason for being,” said the old man with a certain bitterness. “Maybe that’s why they give up on it so early, too. But that’s the way it is.” -The Alchemist-
It is a timeless story and a story that makes you think. Sometimes you might find things going on in your life that force you to make choices, just like this boy.
Before I started to read this book. I looked at reviews and noticed that they were very divided.
Some readers found it hard to connect with the book, while others could see themselves being the boy.
In many ways, it is an easy read book. The language is easy to follow. And many of us would have finished it within a couple of hours. For me it took a bit longer. Determine to learn from it and maybe adapt some of the learning, into my own life.
Greetings Serena
Others have read and reviewed The Alchemist, on Medium:
Tim Denning Jeremy Divinity are some of them.