What are you writing?

Serena Cornwall
3 min readJan 22, 2023

After a very busy week and weekend, with no time for myself: I started to write.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

We had a celebration last Sunday. Which meant that I had a lot more to arrange during the week, than normal.

I don’t complain. I had a busy but fun week and weekend.

But I missed the calmness and the relaxation of just sitting down with a book or doing my online reading. Where I keep up with what is going on here at Medium.

Most of all I missed the writing part. To empty my head of new ideas or stories that I one day might put together into an ebook, for others to read as well.

I missed it. But I knew that it was only temporary. Soon enough I would get back to my writing as if I had never been away.

However not being able to spend any time writing. Especially on Sunday, felt terrible. Sundays are the only day when I can put everything aside (without any guilt), and just write.

So while waiting for our guests, I took the chance to do some writing. And it felt so good, could have kept going for hours!

But well, the guests arrived.

I tried to be somewhat social, still sitting in front of my laptop. But eventually, I had to close it off and join in the rest.

The first question I got…

