Why are children always the ones to be blamed?
The Impact of Punishment.
I came across this article, which made me reflect on my own behaviour toward my children when they were younger.
Why do we find it so easy to blame the children, instead of asking ourselves: Why?
In the article, a five-year-old girl told her father she wished he were one of her daycare teachers. This hurt the father deeply, and he stopped talking to her.
Instead of asking himself why she would prefer to have the other man as a father and striving to become a better dad for his daughter, he chose silence.
When a child cuts ties with a parent, the child often gets comments like: “Why did you do that? You only have one life and one set of parents, so why cut them out?” Rarely is it asked, “What did the parent do?”
Blaming the child is all too common, even though the child is often innocent.
In the abovementioned story, the girl came home from school, likely having had a good day, and wished she could continue having fun at home. However, her parents were tired and wanted to relax.